Special Projects
The following are small to large projects anyone can do. You would be more than welcome to join us in the distribution of the projects.
No need to register, everyone can do it!
Celebration of Giving!
To celebrate your birthday, anniversary, or the new year, let your friends and family know that you’re celebrating by giving! Click on the link in title above for more details.
Bag a Breakfast
You’ll need one of each of the following:
- Small box of Cereal or Packet of Oatmeal w/ cup & spoon
- Pop Tart, Nutrigrain Bar, or Granola Bar
- Piece of Fruit, Fruit Cup, or Box of Raisins
- Hot Chocolate Pack w/ cup & spoon
- Juice Box
- Napkin
Place one item from each of the categories (labeled with a number) in a bag along with a note of encouragement for the recipient.
Teenager Outreach Box
- Large box of Cereal, Oatmeal, or Pancake mix & Syrup
- Jar of peanut butter & Jelly
- Four cans of Tuna + Tuna Helper
- Four cans of Soup
- Four cans of Ravioli
- Two cans of Fruit
- Two cans of Vegetables
- One container of powdered tea or lemonade
- Four miscellaneous items, such as Macaroni & Cheese
- Snack items, such as crackers or granola bars
Place all items listed in a box or basket for us to deliver directly to the teenagers.
Shoe Box Gift
Collect shoe boxes which are clean and in good condition. Plastic shoeboxes are even better and can be purchased at “dollar” stores.
For Adults
Fill boxes with new items, such as:
- Combs
- Chapstick
- Washcloths
- Novels
- Pens
- Tissues
- Band-aids
- Socks
- Travel size toiletries (tighten caps)
- Lifesavers
- Crackers
- Other small items
For Children
Fill boxes with new items, such as:
- Small toys
- Books
- Card games
- Barrettes
- School supplies
- Travel size toiletries (tighten caps)
- Sunglasses
- Baseball cards
- Lollipops
- Other small items
Enclose a note of encouragement in every shoe box.
Wrap the shoe boxes and label the tops with Girl, Boy, Woman, or Man.
Sock It To Me
Follow these steps:
- Collect new pairs of socks and toiletry items
- Roll one sock up and put inside the other
- Add toiletries (tighten caps)
- Write a note of encouragement
- Attach the note to a ribbon, then tie around top of sock
Jean Drive
This is a rather large project.
- Form a “Jean Drive” Committee
- Obtain the support of the School Administration
- Set a goal
- Collect jeans, pants, sweats, & shorts in all sizes — limit drive to just these items. Items must be clean & in very good condition
- Make posters
- Decorate large boxes for collection — place boxes in key areas & departments
- Make enthusiastic announcements over the P.A. System. Stress that men’s jeans are most needed
- You can make it a contest between grades
A Humanitarian Service Award will be awarded to honor each school and group that collects at least 200 pairs.
This project meets urgent needs!
Celebrity Auction
This is another large project, but can be quite something.
- Form an auction committee
- Obtain addresses of major celebrities from the fields of entertainment, sports, politics, etc.
- Send letters that share the “Happy Helpers Story,” and request their donation of a personal item for the auction. Let them know the date you need it by
- Organize, record, & safeguard items received
- Decide when & where to hold the auction
- Secure an auctioneer — it can be any volunteer who is interested
- Widely publicize the auction
- Set up auction site
- Donate funds raised to “Happy Helpers” to meet the urgent needs of men, women, and children
- Send thank-you’s to all who supported your project.
Members of “Happy Helpers are available to assist with this project.
A Humanitarian Service Award will be presented to every school or group that holds a celebrity auction.
This is a unique, exciting, and very helpful project!
Senior Class Legacy
This project is very meaningful & memorable! As members of the senior class prepare to leave school, they hold a class-wide drive to collect school supplies for needy children who will just be entering school the following fall. This project is a great way for members of the senior class to bond even further. A plaque will be awarded to honor each class that completes the “Senior Class Legacy.”
Needed school supplies include:
- Pencils
- Crayons
- Marble Composition Notebooks
- Bottles of Glue
- Glue Sticks
- Pencil Boxes
- Pocket Folders
- Block Erasers
- Safety Scissors
- Lunch Boxes
- Book Bags