Outreach to Children

Currently, Happy Helpers for the Homeless provides 239 children and their families with a food basket every other Saturday.  We deliver these baskets directly to where the children are living.  Their needs are urgent.  This outreach takes place year-round.

The following is a list of the food basket contents:

  • Large box of cereal, oatmeal, or pancake mix and syrup
  • Jar of peanut butter & jar of jelly
  • Four cans of tuna + Tuna Helper
  • One box of spaghetti noodles
  • One jar of spaghetti sauce
  • Four cans of soup
  • Four cans of ravioli
  • Two cans of fruit
  • Two cans of vegetables
  • One container of powdered tea or lemonade
  • Four miscellaneous items, such as macaroni & cheese
  • Snack items, such as crackers or granola bars